8/5/19 – Paperwork That Must Be Submitted In Order To Practice With
The Cross Country Team After 8/8/19
All Wilcox students may do general conditioning runs with
the Wilcox cross country team through 8/8/19 without submitting any
paperwork. These runs will start on Tuesday
(8/6/19) at the Wilcox track at 9AM each day.
You may not run with the cross country
team after 8/8/19 until you have submitted all of your paperwork and the
athletic director has cleared you to participate with the cross country team.
Please click on the “Athletics” link on the first page of
the Wilcox website in order to learn
what paperwork that you must submit in order to become eligible to participate
in any sport at Wilcox. Then, click on
the link under “NEW PROCEDURES FOR ATHLETE CLEARANCE FOR TRYOUTS.” This link will explain what paperwork must be
submitted online to the athletic director.
6/17/19 – Miscellaneous Cross Country
Information re the
2019 Season
Voluntary Practices During The
During the summer,
we will meet on Monday through Friday at 9AM at the Peterson track.
Although you are encouraged to run during the summer and
we do have voluntary practices during the summer, all who first run with the
team when school first begins will initially make the team. However, you must be able to break 20 minutes
for 2 miles before we will allow you to run in a cross
country meet. Most good runners train
throughout the summer so that they can be in good form when the season starts.
Sports Forms That Must
Be Signed By Parents
The parent/guardian
of all students who compete in any sport, including cross country, at Wilcox
need to sign a form that states that they have read and accepted various
written information given to them in a packet regarding Wilcox athletic
policies, the steroid and performance enhancing drug policies, the
transportation policies, and the concussion information. The students must also get a physical
examination from a doctor and have him sign the Wilcox medical form.
You may get this
packet of paperwork from the school website at –
None of the forms included in the sports packet need to be submitted prior to the start of schoo. So, you may participate in the summer practices without these forms. However, once school starts you will not be allowed to practice with the cross country or any other Wilcox team until you submit all of your paperwork.
Wilcox Summer 300-Mile
As an inducement to
get runners to run during the summer, I will buy a T-shirt that says 2018
Wilcox Summer 300-mile club for all that run 300 miles prior to 9/1/19. Parents of runners on the team may also earn
these shirts. You should send your monthly
mileage totals to me at the end of June, July, and August and they will be
posted on our website under the Summer Mileage link.
Possible Training Program for This
Some runners may
want to run on their own during the summer without coming to any of our group
runs and may want suggestions about how much running to do. See the schedule below for workouts that you
might want to do.
Week Beginning
6/17 6/24 7/01
7/08 7/15 7/22 7/29 8/05 8/12
Monday 20
22 24 26
28 30 32
34 36
Tuesday 20
22 24 26
28 30 32
34 36
Wednesday 20
22 24 26
28 30 32
34 36
Thursday Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
Rest Rest Rest Rest
Friday 20
20 24 26
28 30 32
34 36
Saturday 20
20 24 26
28 30 32
34 36
Sunday Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
Rest Rest Rest Rest
The numbers shown above
represent minutes of running. All runs
should be at easy to moderate effort.
New runners should walk and run during the first few days.
Runners who are in good
condition at the start of summer should start at a higher level than 20
minutes, such as 40 minutes and should make one of their weekly runs 1.5 times
the average run. As an example, if your
average daily run during the week of 7/16 is 30 minutes, then you should run
for 45 minutes on one of the days.
Experienced runners
should run 4 strideouts (a strideout
means running 100 yards wherein you start out slow and then gradually get
faster and faster) at the end of each workout. They should also run at fairly
hard pace for 1 to 2 miles of their run a couple of times each week.
If you feel very tired or
get an injury, take off for a day or so.
Team Roster Link
All whom I believe have
signed up to compete for the cross team are listed at our roster link. Let me know whether I mistakenly left you off
the roster or mistakenly put you on the roster.
As of today, 22 boys and 11 girls have signed up.
Wilcox Facebook Website
Some Wilcox XC runners
have set up a Facebook website to communicate with each other. See https://www.facebook.com/groups/WilcoxCrossCountry/
XC Stats
There is a cross country website
called XC Stats that provides a myriad of statistical information about Wilcox
cross country runners. See http://www.xcstats.com/. I want all Wilcox cross country
members to register on this site. The
registration code that you will need to register is “Wilcox@10xc.
7th Period PE
Non-freshmen who have PE should
try to get 7th period PE so that they will not have to miss an academic class
when we leave school early to compete in a meet. Freshmen have to take core PE classes that
are not given during 7th period.
Grade Point Average Requirement
All non-freshmen must have at
least a 2.0 gpa in order to compete in sports. There is no gpa
requirement for incoming freshmen for the first quarter. If your gpa is under
2.0 but over 1.6, you may apply for academic probation for one quarter during
your freshman-sophomore year and one quarter during your junior-senior years.
Grouping of Runners
During the Regular Season
During the cross country season, we will have two practice groups. We will have a time trial on the first day of
practice to determine who is placed in each of the groups. Those boys running 12:00 or better for 3200
meters on the track and those girls running 14:00 or better will be placed in
group #1 and the remaining runners will be placed in group #2. As the season progresses, some runners may be
reassigned to group #1. Runners
originally placed in group #1 will not be reassigned during the season unless
they ask to be reassigned.
Scoring Of A Cross Country Meet
The scoring of a cross
country meet is determined by adding up the finishing places of each team’s
first five runners. The team with the
lowest score wins the meet. As an example,
if two teams are competing and one team finishes 1 thru 5 and the other team
finishes 6 thru 10, then the first team would win the meet 15 to 40. The 6th and 7th runners of each team can
increase the scores of the other teams if they finish in front of any of the
scoring runners of the other teams. The
8th and subsequent runners for each team will not be involved in the
scoring. Generally, you may only put 7
runners in a varsity race but may enter an unlimited number of runners in
non-varsity races. Therefore, all
members of each team may compete in a cross country meet up through the league
Volunteer Drivers (Includes
coaches and parents)
We need drivers
during the season to drive the XC runners to occasional offsite practice
locations and to drive them to Saturday
meets. You must be approved by the
school district in order to be a volunteer driver. It is important that we get
as many volunteer drivers as is possible.
There are two
categories of volunteer drivers
1-Those have have
been approved as volunteer drivers in prior years
2-Those who have not been previously
Approved Drivers
The parent or
coach must submit an "Annual Authorization for Volunteer Drivers"
form to the Wilcox principal's secretary.. This is a very simple one-page form on which
you include your name, driver's license #, and date that your license expires.
The parent or
coach must submit a copy of their insurance coverage that shows that they have
at least $100,000 per person of bodily injury coverage, $300,000 per occurrence
coverage, and $50,000 property coverage.
The parent or
coach must also submit a copy of form K-4 from the Department of Motor Vehicles
(DMV). The cost to obtain this form is
$2 if you request it online or $5 if you request it at the DMV office. Form K-4 will show your driving record for
the past 3 years. I went to the DMV
website and entered form K-4 as a search item and found nothing. However, when I went to their website at -- http://www.dmv.ca.gov/online/dr/welcome.htm and made a "Driver Record Request" I got information
regarding my driving record and submitted the form to the principal's
secretary. This form was accepted by the
school district last year.
Initial Request To Be Approved As a
Volunteer Driver
The information
to be submitted is the same as above except that the parent/coach must submit
Form H-6 from the DMV rather than Form K-4.
This form must be obtained at the DMV office and cannot be obtained
online. The cost is $5.
initial request to be approved as a volunteer driver will take longer to be approved
as the district office will require that you be finger printed by them.